Sunday, April 18, 2010

Cell Groups, Youth Pastors and things like Tic Tac Toe

So where I come from we have these things called cell groups. It's like a youth group only on Sunday nights with just the girls from my grade or close to my grade (7,8,9). Sometimes we have 8 girls show up. Sometimes it's just Vinci, Julie and I. No matter who comes, it's always something I look forward to all week.

Tonight we had ours at Dari Delite after voting in our new youth pastor, which we've been without for nearly a year in search of one. I felt very important sitting in a church business meeting with all adults except a few kids from my youth. And then it got boring. I realized that this meeting wasn't just about voting the new youth pastor in. I learned that there are currently about 15 to 40 kids attending after school programs. 200 people now attending Sunday School! Not that this wasn't very interesting and all, but Shelby and I completed a game of tic tac toe and successfully wrote with our left hands in our pew. Anyway, we have a new youth pastor. His name's Ed.

I'm constantly reminded in times like these sitting at the Dari Delite or in a pew waiting to find out if we have a new youth pastor or not in the middle of "Yea's" and "Nea's" (or however you spell it) what good friends I have. I've definitely been blessed beyond my understanding and I certainly take it for granted. Not many kids don't have to worry if their friend is talking behind their backs and all. I have a pretty good life.

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