Saturday, April 17, 2010

High school

-Lead me to the cross-
So lately I've been listening to that song. There's just something about finding a Christian song that you love because it just seems hard to find music like that anymore. But I love this song. I don't really know why. I guess it can just apply to everything. Just lead me to the cross.

Basketball's hard. School's hard. Well not really hard. I just hate it.
It's funny how when you get yearbooks you ask people to sign them that you haven't seen or talked to all year. Or how you suddenly realize how close you were with someone at the beginning, and now that the year's winding down you just.. aren't. There's junior high for you.

The only condolence to the fact that this year wasn't all "spectacular" and great and such is that I know I haven't reached the peak yet. I'm still going somewhere. I've still got plenty of time left to figure this stuff out and figure out who I'll be. High school won't be my end. This is just the beginning.

And you have no idea what a comfort it is to know that none of this really matters.

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