Monday, April 26, 2010


I'm reminded over and over again how blessed I am to have a God that gives out chances time and time again. I'm blessed that I have a God that "began a good work in me and will be faithful to complete it." Because if I didn't have that other chance, if I never changed or got closer to God, if He never completed what He started-

I'd be just another burned out candle.

And to be honest I think I want to burn all the way down to the end of my wick, until God says "Hey Jo. I think it's time for what you've been waiting for." I want to be so on fire for God that NOTHING and NO ONE will be able to change my mind.
Unfortunately, I make mistakes.
And if God's still forgiving me after I do this junk again, I'm sure hoping he's got something big for me.
Cause after all this failing and disappointing not only Him, but the people around me, I'm sure ready to do something worth while. Something right.
Because honestly, I don't want to live a pointless life.
Do you?

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Me? Leader? Ehh not so much..

Challenges are good. They're hard but good. Sometimes hard to take, sometimes fun to take.
I've been given a challenge.
Anyone that knows Goose Gosset has already decided that they want to be like him. If you haven't met him... you don't have a clue what you're missing.
But tonight Goose said something that struck home.
Are you going to be a leader Jo? No not a K-life leader. I mean a leader everywhere.
Uhm, me? A leader? Ehhh... I think I'd rather avoid controversy with people.
But I don't think it's coincidence that I'm reminded of Isaiah. Send me, I will go.
Will I go? Will I step up?
Wow. That's a big question to ask yourself. When God asks you to go, to be the one that steps up and follows him, will you do it?
Will I do it?
Yes. Here I am. Send me.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Cell Groups, Youth Pastors and things like Tic Tac Toe

So where I come from we have these things called cell groups. It's like a youth group only on Sunday nights with just the girls from my grade or close to my grade (7,8,9). Sometimes we have 8 girls show up. Sometimes it's just Vinci, Julie and I. No matter who comes, it's always something I look forward to all week.

Tonight we had ours at Dari Delite after voting in our new youth pastor, which we've been without for nearly a year in search of one. I felt very important sitting in a church business meeting with all adults except a few kids from my youth. And then it got boring. I realized that this meeting wasn't just about voting the new youth pastor in. I learned that there are currently about 15 to 40 kids attending after school programs. 200 people now attending Sunday School! Not that this wasn't very interesting and all, but Shelby and I completed a game of tic tac toe and successfully wrote with our left hands in our pew. Anyway, we have a new youth pastor. His name's Ed.

I'm constantly reminded in times like these sitting at the Dari Delite or in a pew waiting to find out if we have a new youth pastor or not in the middle of "Yea's" and "Nea's" (or however you spell it) what good friends I have. I've definitely been blessed beyond my understanding and I certainly take it for granted. Not many kids don't have to worry if their friend is talking behind their backs and all. I have a pretty good life.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

High school

-Lead me to the cross-
So lately I've been listening to that song. There's just something about finding a Christian song that you love because it just seems hard to find music like that anymore. But I love this song. I don't really know why. I guess it can just apply to everything. Just lead me to the cross.

Basketball's hard. School's hard. Well not really hard. I just hate it.
It's funny how when you get yearbooks you ask people to sign them that you haven't seen or talked to all year. Or how you suddenly realize how close you were with someone at the beginning, and now that the year's winding down you just.. aren't. There's junior high for you.

The only condolence to the fact that this year wasn't all "spectacular" and great and such is that I know I haven't reached the peak yet. I'm still going somewhere. I've still got plenty of time left to figure this stuff out and figure out who I'll be. High school won't be my end. This is just the beginning.

And you have no idea what a comfort it is to know that none of this really matters.