Thursday, September 8, 2011

It's not about the moneyy.

I want so badly to be a missionary. I don't care where God takes me. I don't care if it's half way across the world. I just absolutely cannot wait.

I really truly believe God has given me a heart for missions because that's what he wants me to do. I want it with all my heart. Everything I've tried to set my heart on all these years seems like such a waste of time now.

But you want to know one thing that everyone seems to be concerned about?
Did I mention money?

Do you want to know how much a missionary gets paid?
Ehh, not much. well.. nothing. In Earthly currency that is. But they store up their real treasures in heaven.

When people talk to me about how much money they can't wait to make in their jobs and stuff, I just kind of smile and nod. Money doesn't excite me. That might come with being part of a family that's never exactly been rolling in dough. Maybe it's because the fact that I'm still living and breathing isn't because of money. It's because of this awesome God. He sent His only son to die - no, be SLAUGHTERED - for me so that I could live eternally with Him in heaven because He loves me that much. He loves us so much that He put every sin any of us have ever committed and put it on His son's shoulders. He took my blame. Took my shame. Took my guilt. That gift was something no amount of money could ever buy, so why should I base my life around money? It's useless paper that won't amount to anything in Heaven. Am I saying it's bad to make money? Absolutely not! I've just been blessed with a job that pays - wait for it - money! But I don't really worry about it. If God chooses to take that job away from me, then I know He won't leave me out in the dust. He'll provide; He always has.

Jobs are awesome things. The world needs bankers, and business men and women, and store managers, and dentists and doctors. I just don't feel that calling. I never really have, I guess. Growing up I could never put my finger on what exactly I want to do with my life. But when we left Michigan, I said to myself that I would NEVER be a missionary. I didn't want to have to uproot my family or cause them to have to worry about money. I saw kids around me getting everything they could ever want because they had money. But then God opened my eyes, and for once I saw past my own selfish desires and thoughts and it was like everything suddenly made sense. And here I am, 16 and ready to go wherever He takes me, doing the very thing I swore I'd never do. I want my kids to see that. And my grandkids, and my great-grandkids. I want them to experience God's faithfulness, even when times are hard. If my parents have taught me anything it's to wait and just see what God's gonna do, because He provides. HE PROVIDES!

We're Juniors, guys. When you sit down and start thinking about what it is you're going to do with your life, put aside the bill fold and the wallet and the credit cards. Grab your bible, and start praying like crazy. Where God takes you, I couldn't ever guess. But that's the exciting part of following Him. He has so many plans for you, if you'd just let Him start to reveal them to you.

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