You know that feeling you get the night before Christmas when you're a little kid? That feeling that for one day, magic is alive. That the air tastes different. It's full of an electricity that makes you shake with excitement and keeps you up all night.
Tonight, I watched an amazing group of young people pass through their Discipleship Training School with flying colors. I love, love, LOVE seeing kids close to my age with a passion for our GREAT God. Watching them turn over this page in their life gives me that Christmas eve tingle I haven't felt since I was below 6 feet tall ;) I CAN'T wait until I'm up, accepting a diploma for finishing my DTS. Who knows where on this planet it will be. I may be standing in the middle of a swamp, but at least I'll be doing what I know God loves. I know without a doubt that God has some awesome plan for my life that could take me anywhere, doing anything. As long as I'm doing it for God,I know that nothing can stop me. I'm so excited that I cannot find the words to tell you just how EXCITED I am!
But here's the thing:
In high school, it's so easy to get caught up in drama drama drama, and lose sight of what matters. GOD MATTERS! If our whole school would embrace that, can you imagine what we could accomplish?! My God is able. He is able to love past our failures, conquer our sins, fight for the weary, protect the weak, defend the defenseless, care for the lonely, and beat the tar out of satan, all in the same second. The war is already won. Our God is the conqueror of all. If we take a stand for Him, who could possibly stand against us? God doesn't care about how popular you are. He doesn't care about how many friends you have. He doesn't care if you can't play any sports. He cares about sharing His love. Showing people how much He cares. How much He longs for us. Wants us. If we could embrace that fact, who on this planet could stand in our way? My God is an Awesome God. He is holy. He is mighty. Perfect. Who cares about all that junk between people? Forgive and forget and be better than all the stuff our world expects of us kids. Overcome the status quo. Our world demands average. ordinary. But a life with CHRIST is EXTRAordinary. It is everything you can possibly dream of, because when you have Christ in your heart, what you can only dream of, God can bring about like it's nobody's business. TRUST. Believe that He's gonna take you places and teach you things. Stop relying on other people to bring you self worth. High school is a grain of sand in our life. It'll be over in the blink of an eye. But the choices we make during this crucial time in our lives - the people we choose to be- those things will stick to us. Choose to be someone God will be able to look at and say, "I can use them." Strive for it. Every day of your life, make it a point to live for Him.
My God is not dead, He is surely alive.
He is surely alive.
Live like you will never have another day to show Him that He can use you. Give Him every piece of you. Every dirty piece of your heart - let Him clean it out and lay it down.
Lay it all down at His feet.
You can turn this life around.
God will never run out on you.